Saturday, May 4, 2024 -
Print Edition


Pro-Israel groups answer anti-Israel RTD ad

A coalition of three pro-Israel grassroots groups have stepped forward to answer the anti-Israel advertisement currently running on Denver buses. The ad was paid for by...

Again, anti-Israel ads on RTD buses

AN ADVERTISEMENT that calls Israel an apartheid state and accuses Israel of war crimes was launched on RTD buses Dec. 17. The advertisement is similar to one that...

SodaStream closing West Bank factory

TEL AVIV — SodaStream, the Israeli at-home seltzer machine company, announced last week that it would be closing its West Bank factory and moving the facility’s...

An ironic thank you

It seems like the SodaStream controversy has barely died down when Israel faces another culinary BDS threat. Only this time the source is from the inside. So far. Shamir...

Denver Presbyterian clergy defend national moves but say they’re not BDS

There was a time, not that long ago, when Jews and Presbyterians — in Denver and across the country — happily broke bread together. There were shared trips to the...

J Street not admitted to Conference

WASHINGTON — J Street’s failed effort to join the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations last week showed that many in the Jewish community...

Defensible borders, not pious promises

Surprise. Israel doesn’’t trust US assurances on its security. Why? US didn’’t stick by its assurances to Ukraine. I. ‘Assurances’ to Ukraine Secretary of...

Can magnates help make peace?

TEL AVIV —— Two years ago, Israeli supermarket mogul Rami Levy invited Palestinian gas and oil magnate Munib al-Masri to one of his grocery stores. A working-class...

We need Queen Esther today

Where is Queen Esther when we need her? We are witnessing an escalation of anti-Semitic activity throughout Europe. Despite legislation in several countries against...

SodaStream? Make it mainstream!

My worlds were colliding. Because of SodaStream, suddenly my Israel life was being linked and discussed in the context s of the Super Bowl, at which my team happened to...