Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition

L’Chaim (Fall)

Papa Frank, bourbon & Truman

This article was originally published in the 2017 L’Chaim© magazine supplement to the Rosh Hashanah edition. Frank Goldman speaks of his grandfather and namesake,...

Craig Halper: lifelong learner

Tuesday, August 16, marked the first day of school at Denver Jewish Day School. It also marked the first day of Craig Halper’s 35th year at the school.

Rabbi Bruce Dollin: 36 years in the rabbinate

In mid-August, on the final day of Rabbi Bruce Dollin’s tenure as spiritual leader of the Hebrew Educational Alliance, the weather in Denver was rare for this hot...

Butte, Montana: Save our shul

At the corner of Galena St. and Washington St. in downtown Butte, Montana, sits a three-story structure, one of the most historic places in the state.

Milestone for Kavod Senior Life — 50 years

The precise date of birth for the institution now known as Kavod Senior Life appears to have been lost in the mists of time.
Michael Klein, current...

Trailblazer: Dr. Wendy Berenbaum

Dr. Wendy Berenbaum, one of the oldest and longest practicing female OB-GYNs in Denver, first envisioned a future in medicine — and specializing in women’s health...

The rise and fall of I. Rude

ROSH HASHANAH EDITION 5781 L’CHAIM® MAGAZINE PAGE 13 is a park in the West Denver neighborhood of Sun Valley, an urban oasis with sweeping lawns, a little stream...

Dysia Sonenreich: The voice of a survivor

ROSH HASHANAH EDITION 5781 L’CHAIM® MAGAZINE PAGE 23 Sonenreich, 89, recounts her years in the Holocaust with equanimity. Bitter loss never dissolves in tears. A...

Air Force Academy’s new Jewish chaplain

Meet Captain Saul Rappeport, the newest addition to Colorado Springs’ Jewish clergy. Rabbi Rappeport is stationed at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. He...

One of the very few photos of the Jewish settlement at Cotopaxi. Emanuel Saltiel is at the far right, on horseback. (AJHS)

Wanted: Documents concerning the guilt or innocence of Emanuel Saltiel

ROSH HASHANAH 5777 L’CHAIM MAGAZINE would we be without our heroes and our villains? They are, after all, our avatars of right and wrong, good and evil — the...