Wednesday, May 1, 2024 -
Print Edition


Sicilian Cheesecake

Sicilian cheesecake – final result

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for — the final result of our Sicilian cheesecake recipe. As you can see, it’s not crack-free, but does have a...

Sicilian Cheesecake

Cheesecake, glorious cheesecake

It’s that time of year again, when butter, cream cheese, farmer’s cheese and ricotta all converge in creamy yumminess on our holiday tables. Yes,...


If the idea of studying Torah at midnight, not to mention at 3 a.m., seems far out, count our sleepy eyes as evidence of sympathy. Yet, what could be more […]

The PA seeks a state unilaterally not because negotiations failed, but because they succeeded

The Palestinian Authority is going to the UN to seek statehood not because Israel would not negotiate, but because it would. The PA does not fear the absence of...

Leniency for Yigal Amir

For the life of us, we cannot understand the penchant of the High Court in Israel (its Supreme Court) to extend leniency to Yigal Amir. Amir was convicted of murdering...

Poems for Shavuot (and the rest of the year)

EVERY day the mail is placed on my desk. Sometimes it is quite a stack, for it includes books. The other day it included two books, one quite large and […]

Cheesecake hangover

THERE is Ruth, whom I love. Her feminine and gentle character of kindness has always resonated with me. Her embracing of Judaism — against all odds — has always...

As good as Shakespeare

Dear Tzviling, I am looking to get married and would like to meet a nice Jewish boy. Somebody at work made a fine recommendation. My friends are advising me to

How scared should we be of UN Resolution 377?

According to Israeli journalist and Middle East analyst Gil Yaron the Palestinian game plan is as follows. Come September, the PA will put a resolution in front of the...

Dangerous words

What a mess! It’s extremely difficult at this point, a week after myriad statements, re-negs, and speeches, to see how the various parties – the US, Israel,...