Monday, May 13, 2024 -
Print Edition

Another Holocaust T-shirt

Here’s a suggestion: Stay away from printing shirt with slogans or images that are Holocaust related.

Here’s the story from JNS:

“Amazon in the United Kingdom has stopped selling a line of clothing with a photograph of a Holocaust victim being executed.

“The image, known as ‘The last Jew in Vinnitsa,’ shows a Jewish man in the Ukrainian town about to be shot dead by the Einsatzgruppen, or “killing squad,” as he kneels alongside a mass grave consisting of dead bodies, with a group of Nazis watching. The photo dates between mid-1941 and 1943.

“Following Israel’s Channel 12 news contacting Amazon UK, the online retailer took down the line of T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies that featured the photo.

“The description of the clothing from the retailer, Harma Art, is “‘Choose from our great collection of authentic designs and stand out from the crowd!’”

What boggles the mind is how did Harma Art ever think it was a good idea to sell an item entitled “Holocaust Victim Tank Top?” Seems it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that’s a really bad idea. Let’s even take the Holocaust out of the equation. What does it say about a company that they think depicting an execution is a good design? That’s not the kind of “authenticity” a normal person would be looking for in a T-shirt (we hope!).

Even more incredible is that this isn’t the first Holocaust clothing scandal. Earlier this year was Red Bubble’s Auschwitz mini-skirt. Several years back it was Zara’s “Jude” yellow star, blue striped shirt.

One would think after the first faux pas people would learn. Apparently not. It also makes us wonder: Are these merely errors in judgement, or more sinister anti-Semitism?

It’s worth reading the tweet by the journalist who first covered the story, and the ensuing comments. Not only do people discussing things like what does Amazon do with any of the sales, but others go a long way to answering the question we just posed: Apparently this same seller, Harma, was previously hawking a T-shirt with a picture of Adolf Hitler saluting a crowd. So the answer to the question about Harma’s possible anti-Semitism not only begins to emerge, but a larger question about Amazon’s business practices does. If you owned a T-shirt shop, would you keep using a supplier who had previously sold T-shirts with pictures of Adolf Hitler? And even if you gave them a second chance, when they showed up with the T-shirt of a Holocaust victim being executed, would you think, yeah why not? Didn’t think so.

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