Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition


The destruction of the First Temple, depicted by Francesco Hayez. (Wikipedia)

Tisha b’Av: Tracing tragedy, part two

Several years ago, in a post entitled “Tracing tragedy,” we explored the claim that national Jewish tragedies take place on Tisha b’Av, the Fast of Av, or within...

Another Tisha b’Av

However you define it, the exile drags on and another Tisha b’Av is upon us. If you define the exile as an unredeemed world, surely the scourge of terrorism —...

Tisha b’Av gatherings & thoughts

It’s been a strange summer so far. The war in Israel is probably the main reason for that. For among all the usual fun summer activities, there’s the shadow of...

Tisha b’Av: Tracing tragedy

With Tisha b’Av around the corner, we find ourselves nearing the end of the Three Weeks, a period of national mourning for the Jewish community bookended by two...

From mourning to celebration

For some it’s the Israeli version of Valentine’s Day, or Chag HaAhava. For others it’s an ancient tradition, rooted in Mishnah and Talmud. Either way,...

Last-minute tips for an easier fast

For those planning on fasting for Tisha b’Av (starting sundown tonight, ending at nightfall tomorrow), you ideally already stopped drinking coffee two days ago. If...

Links to Tisha b’Av

In Judaism there’s always a holiday, festival or fast day marking the calendar. Not only does this provide a structure to our lives, but also ensures that we...

Painful follow up

Has Tisha b’Av taught us nothing? Last week, in Tel Aviv, two people were killed in an attack on a gay community center. The homicide suspect: probably Jewish. On...

Tisha b’Av links to the…IJN

This past Thursday marked Tisha b’Av, the day where we mourn the destruction of both the first and second temples. The Talmud in Yoma tells us that while the First...