Monday, May 6, 2024 -
Print Edition


Missy makes us proud

Everyone in Colorado is cheering for Missy Franklin. As of Wednesday, the 17-year-old Regis Jesuit High student won two golds, a bronze and set a record in the...

Preventing sexual abuse in schools

What if? What magical and frustrating words those are — the cornerstone of hindsight. What if 9/11 were thwarted before those jets took off? What if somebody had an...

Summer fun in Denver

Now that Tisha b’Av is over, it’s time to focus once again on summer fun! In last month’s Generations Magazine, IJN intern Joe Parris investigated some...

Forty years and one minute since the Munich massacre

It is extremely unfortunate that the International Olympic Committee’s boneheaded (anti-Semitic? anti-Israel?) refusal to honor the Israeli athletes murdered by...

The dark night descending into a gun obsessed culture

The killer in the Aurora theater is alone responsible for his acts. The cause of the killings is himself. It is a gross oversimplification of causality within a complex,...

‘May his name be blotted out’

THE best thing President Obama has done in his time in office, in my opinion, was making a point of not mentioning the name of the killer in Aurora, Colorado. […]

Tisha b’Av — Jewish response to tragedy

I NEVER heard of Tisha b’Av when I was growing up. Rosh Hashanah? As sure as honey cake. Yom Kippur? Guilt gone wild. Purim?  Halloween Jewish style. But Tisha b’Av...

Power Tools — helping kids cope with terror

It was a tough week on the news ticker for parents. First came the heinous attack on an Israeli tour bus in Bulgaria, followed only days later by the incomprehensible...

Syria by the numbers

In his View from Denver last week, Hillel Goldberg condemned the Obama administration for doing nothing on Syria. “No food aid. No sequestered safety zones for...

Solving settlements

A lot has changed in the two weeks since Alan Dershowitz penned this line: “Now that Israel has a broad and secure national unity government, the time is ripe for...