Monday, May 6, 2024 -
Print Edition


Libya — attack; Syria — coddle

Libya is an easy target. It’s leader is a buffoon. It’s geopolitical location is not sensitive. It’s oppression is blatant. Take it on! It’s almost a...

Dangerous Jewish position on the national budget

The American Jewish community is notoriously hard to define, but when the federations, the JCRCs and the religious groupings all agree on something, it’s as close to...

Score a 16 on a par 4 — what’s the big deal?

The other day, Kevin Na shot a 16 on a par 4 hole. It was a record. No one on the PGA had ever shot that score before on a […]

What, no matzah on Pesach?

WHEN it comes to Pesach observance, everyone’s opinions about observance become stronger than usual. What is it about this holiday that brings this out in people? For...

Exactly who is selfish?

IN the contemporary world, where left-wing attitudes are regarded as normative, it is a given that capitalism, with its free market and profit motive, emanates from and...

Is Passover after the seder an anti-climax?

The build-up to the Passover seders is tremendous. The cleaning. The purchases. The changeover. The strategizing in the kitchen. The matzah. The maror. The cooking....

That non-Pesach Pesach time

FOR me, all of the detailed and tedious pre-Pesach work climaxes and is compressed into three related rituals: bedikat chametz, the night before the seder when we search...

My New Zealand Shabbat

IT wasn’t easy to get there but the effort was worth it. A bus trip winding our way out of Queenstown took us to our first destination, where we boarded […]

The legalization of school choice takes into account the irreversible changes in America

I. The Legal Issues The US Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law that gives parents tuition tax credits if their children attend private schools, including parochial...

The other Rabbi Goldberger

The late Rabbi Daniel Goldberger was an extraordinarily admired religious leader in our city, a fact testified to by, among countless other measures, the size of his...