Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition


Obama botches Syria — again

To those who say that President Obama is admirably cautious before acting on intelligence that says Syria used chemical weapons, we say: Watch the pattern. From the...

Genevieve Mellman, 1935-2013

The IJN family was always delighted to have Gen Mellman in our midst. Her gaze, so level and discerning, accepted us all with gentle equanimity. A highly intelligent...

Lag b’Omer explained

Have you ever wondered why we barbecue on Lag b’Omer? Or hold athletics competitions? Or in Israel, why masses of parents take their sons up north to the Galilee...

That drone is above your tree

We have all heard about “unmanned aerial vehicles,” or drones, which play a major part in the war in Afghanistan. The ethical debates about their use in military...

Stop the PR fest for terrorists

I am tired of the incessant, 24-hour, minute-to-minute, second-by-second news cycle. When it comes to the weather it is ridiculous, but harmless. For example, the hype...

The second Boston Massacre

Beyond the obvious reactions — the tears, the anger, the prayers, the flowers, the sad songs, the attempted words of comfort — last week’s carnage in Boston raises...

The 33rd day of the Omer, ‘Lag b’Omer’

The “omer” is a mysterious Jewish practice when we move beyond the perfectly clear biblical imperatives: first, to count 49 days between the second day of Passover...

Warsaw Ghetto uprising’s 70th anniversary

Seventy years is a flash — also, an eternity. Look back at 1846. Surely, those alive then thought it was a long time since America’s Declaration of Independence, 70...

On this day: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Seventy years ago today, on April 19, 1943, an uprising broke out in the forsaken streets of the Warsaw Ghetto. Earlier that year, the SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, had...

Bombs, no; guns, yes

On Wednesday, April 17, the US Senate defeated a compromise proposal to expand background checks on firearms sales. Our elected leaders voted 54-46 against a measure...