Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition


Do you remember VCRs?

By Herbert Cohen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1986, directed by John Hughes I remember the meeting well. A teacher discovered a student who had plagiarized a paper and gave...

It’s all in the timing

I have always loved the rain. At night, the music of the soothing rhythmic tap tap of the rain — it is the loveliest, gentlest lullaby there can be. Even […]

The finest children’s book I’ve ever read

MENDEL Rosenbusch: Tales for Jewish Children, is the finest children’s book I’ve ever read. Though it is expensive, I am sending it to each set of parents of my...

Thanksgiving on the train, Sukkot in the heart

WHEN I was a college student in New York City, I got a real education, from the experience of meeting new people from different walks of life and riding the […]

Sin and memory: From shul to Babi Yar Park

FROM Shabbos to Sunday, Sept. 22 to 23; from the East Denver Orthodox Synagogue to the Babi Yar memorial; from Rabbi Amsel to Prof. Shneer. Shabbos. Aren’t sin and...

Are leftists deaf to global hate speech?

HAVE you noticed that the left regularly condemns alleged conservative “hate speech” but is almost completely silent on the most pervasive hate speech in the world?...

Yom Kippur, the circle of forgiveness

YOM Kippur, the gift of a day that comes to the Jewish people once a year. Every week there is Shabbat, a sacred pause to the week. But once a […]

Bin Laden was not ‘brought to justice’

This is not a political column. Like every other American, I hope the killers of the US ambassador to Libya will be caught, tried, convicted and punished. Likewise, I am...

Heavenly, and then some

Dear Tzviling, Why is it customary — for Rosh Hashanah — to make round challos and shape them like a spiraling ladder? Melanie (Denver)

‘The Boxer’ 1997

By Herbert Cohen WHEN I was in junior high school, I met Dolly, a sweet and personable girl. She went to a different school and one day I invited her […]