Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition


The logic of an Israel-Syria peace agreement

The last attempt at a peace deal between Israel and Syria was in the late 1990s. It fell apart only because Syria’s leader, Hafez Assad, died. Israel was prepared to...

Haircut, challah, and preparing for Shabbat

Have you ever had one of those days? One of those crazy, hectic, insane days, where you just don’t function like your usual self and it’s on precisely such a

It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true

In response to our first blog entry, Laibel ben Aaron raised the idea of Jewish comedy. We came across a short but clever joke, that lends a bit of humor […]

Soccer fever

Although many Americans may be unaware of it, every four years the European football (soccer) championship takes place, and this year the tournament is being co-hosted...

The meaning of Judaism

It’s a heavy topic, but what better way to launch our blog? So let’s get stuck right into it. In our annual Shavuous edition, we surveyed youth, asking how...


Is anger a positive or negative quality? You are probably thinking, what a dumb question, what could possibly be good about anger? In Jewish tradition as well, an angry...


In the year and a half I’ve lived in Tel Aviv, I have yet to encounter a bad meal . . . seriously. I know it sounds pretty unbelievable, but […]

Summer’s long Shabbat

With the summer equinox comes the “longest” day of the year — that is the longest period between sunrise and sunset. Tomorrow, therefore, is the longest “Shabbat”...

Israeli deathbed lament: ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office’

A recent study published by the Bank of Israel concluded that Israel has joined the rarified ranks of the chronically overworked, coming in third behind Japan and South...

The devil is dancing

Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, a new book by conservative pundit Pat Buchanan, confuses the thoughtful reader before a single page is opened. WW II,...