Tuesday, April 30, 2024 -
Print Edition


There is no ‘day after’

The day after” the end of the war in Gaza . . . countless things will happen and will need to happen. But there is not going to be a “day after.” The rebuilding...

What is a reader to think?

Communist and Nazi distortions were so blatant as to be transparent. The current distortions become more widely believed because they can be mixed in with facts.

Top: Pro-Israel rally at the Colorado State Capitol, Oct. 15, 2023. Bottom, l-r: Krista Boscoe, Dr. Ivan Geller

Kudos: Praiseworthy Jewish community figures

Every year the IJN salutes people known or obscure who bring freedom into our lives. Passover, with its message of gratitude to G-d for our freedom, is the appropriate...

Pay for slay? Perish the thought

No longer will the Palestinian Authority pay people to kill people — on the books, anyway. “Your honor, I am not guilty of murder. All I did was hire the hit man.”

Tragedy for aid workers, Biden’s double standard for Israel

Any time aid workers in a conflict zone are killed is a tragedy for the victims, for their families and for people of good will everywhere. The number of fatalities...

Money, money — Be it for UNRWA or Denver’s homeless, it’s a band-aid

Despite millions of dollars invested in services for homeless people in Denver, their number continues to grow. According to the January, 2024 “Point in Time” survey...

Fear for the future: ‘The Lieberman Era’?

Joseph Lieberman is the perfect symbol of the freedom, security and confidence that Jews in America came to feel by 2000. He became the culmination of the slow but...

George, welcome back

George Orwell became famous for his chilling descriptions of totalitarianism. Among the most chilling was his observation that language becomes one of...

Sen. Schumer, thanks for the clarity

Sen. Chuck Schumer says Israel could become a pariah state. Whose fault? Schumer blames the Jews. Schumer specifies the suffering in Gaza. But not in Israel.

A non sequitur: ‘minor’ bias from AP

In the repeated examples of anti-Israel bias highlighted in media all around us, two recent examples from the Associated Press might not stand out. True, they are not so...