Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
Print Edition

Very Important People

Serebryanski has a way of breaking through barriers

THE simple truth: It’s very difficult not to like Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski. Kids like him, so do old folks. Reform Jews seek him out, as do his fellow Orthodox, and...

Children’s Jim Shmerling wanted a career combining law, medicine, business, kids — and he found it

THE upward route to the office of Dr. Jim Shmerling, The Children’s Hospital’s president and CEO, is a labyrinth of bright open spaces, arching ceilings, pastel...

Underdog champ

IT’S far from a secret that David Lane has a thing for the underdog. He is ready and willing to defend society’s most unpopular, even loathed, figures — everyone from...

The whirlwind: Mother of six, PhD candidate, teacher, rebbetzin

RIVKA Alter swoops through the front door and apologizes for a glitch in her tightly coordinated schedule. “I have to take the kids to BMH-BJ but I’ll be right back....