Wednesday, May 1, 2024 -
Print Edition


Pandemics then and now

I’ve lived through one pandemic, H1N1, and must admit I basically have no recollection of it. Was I not tuned in? Did it not pose that big of a threat? […]

How long?

How long are we going to stay shut down? This is a question governments seem unable to ask, let alone answer. But they must. Millions are unemployed. Children are losing...

A gift

I have the good fortune to share a birthday with one of the great poets, Robert Burns. The reason I say good fortune is because Burns’ birthday is no mere […]

Inexorable optimism

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks describes himself as an inexorable optimist. In a podcast discussing the good and bad that emerges from a crisis like coronavirus, the former UK...

How fast it comes

It’s amazing how quickly things change. I had tickets for the Colorado Avalanche vs. Vegas Golden Knights game for this past Sunday, March 15. As a huge fan of both...

Ignorance or knowledge?

I’ve been following the progression of the coronavirus since my colleague Andrea Jacobs first heard it reported in late December, 2019 — which seems so long ago. It...

Copy, cut, paste

Could you imagine creating something that becomes so ubiquitous that it is used the world over, by pretty much everyone from the age of 10 and above? That’s what Larry...

Cancel the Olympics

Will coronavirus be the final death knell for the Olympics? According to a World Health Organization conference, the Tokyo Games, planned for this June, have no backup...


Donald Trump may be the ultimate Twitter troll, but Gov. Jared Polis is giving the president a run for his money. On the Sunday, two days after Mayor Hancock vetoed...

Waste not, want not

Everyone’s got a social ill that gets ‘em. Mine is waste, whether it’s thrown out food from catered events or mounds of disposable goods. The good news: In recent...