Monday, April 29, 2024 -
Print Edition
Tehilla Goldberg
Tehilla R. Goldberg

IJN columnist | View from Central Park

Chicken soup

AH, comfort foods. Which one is your absolute favorite? Me? I can’t decide. There is always chocolate, of course. The nuanced, beguiling and voluptuous yet whimsical...

Tu b’Shevat on Shabbat Shira

WHAT a joy to welcome the Shabbos bride and Tu b’Shevat together. There really is something wonderful about the conflation of these two beloved traditions under the...

Reaching out to the Haitians

HOW come it is only when there is a rupture, an interruption, a loss in our life that we stop to re-evaluate everything in our lives? How come it is […]


THE Tanach (Hebrew Bible) has lot to say about leadership. In fact, one of the great themes of the very first book of the Torah, Genesis, is the question of […]


IT’S healthy. It really is. That is why it has become my choice for a winter Friday night (Shabbat) dessert. Chocolate fondue. Think about it, a dessert or cake usually...

Obama’s vacation

ONE question: Why is Obama still in Hawaii? To tell the truth, I was not too impressed with his going there in the first place. But OK, that is just […]

Little House on the Prairie

I REMEMBER the first time I went to the theater. I was in the eighth grade. Just then a theater interpretation of S. Y. Agnon’s short story “Tehilla,” at The...


“LATKA?” I would intone in that uniquely quirky East Euro-pean Russian yabba dabba gibberish (never could figure it out) of the TAXI show actors signature style....

The oilier the merrier

Here we are in today’s culinary and weight conscious, low fat, obsessively oil free life . . . and what comes along and bursts our lifestyle? Olive oil. No, I

No minarets in Switzerland

As a Jew, it is difficult for me to hear about the surprising vote in Switzerland this week to ban the construction of minarets. How is this out and out […]