Thursday, May 16, 2024 -
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Jonathan Tobin

The significance of the embassy move

For decades, it was a consensus issue. Israel’s supporters of all political stripes agreed that the refusal of the US to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was...

Iran’s lies matter

While Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks contained dramatic revelations about a secret Iranian nuclear program and proof that Iran had been lying for years, up to the...

The futility of ‘never again’

On Wednesday evening, April 11, Jews in Israel and around the world marked the annual commemoration of Yom HaShoah, the day of remembrance of the Holocaust. It is a time...

In denial about Mahmoud Abbas

PASSOVER EDITION 5778 SECTION A PAGE 5 Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas keeps telling the world what he thinks. The curious thing is not that he makes...

Here, Trump has gone establishment

It turns out that in some cases, the Trump administration can behave just like its predecessors. President Donald Trump has been rightly accused of smashing precedents...

Gun control discourse is hot air

Jewish groups don’t hesitate to weigh in after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., but the futile nature of the discussion about guns points toward...

Gaza needs to look in the mirror

Gaza is broke. As the Feb. 12 front-page New York Times feature explained at length, the conflict between the Gaza Strip’s Hamas overlords and the Fatah party that...

‘Outside-in’ is inside out

Sinai strikes are a reminder that Israel should never count on Arab states to guarantee its safety. It’s the other way around. We’re not hearing much anymore about...

Israel’s blacklist is a pointless blunder

The term “blacklist” is one that brings up memories of McCarthysim to most Americans. But those on a new Israeli “blacklist” who are to be blocked from entry to...

Defining ‘occupied’ and the semantic battle

In a demonstration of how completely at odds his views are from those of the foreign policy establishment, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman reportedly asked the...