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Andrea Jacobs

IJN Senior Writer | [email protected]

Denverites comment on chaos in Egypt

FOR the Israelites fleeing Egypt in the Exodus, throwing off slavery’s chains may have loomed larger than the weightier concept of freedom. After a week of massive...

Then there was Debbie Friedman: locals react to her passing

MELODIES entwined with memories as Denver’s Jewish musicians and clergy reminisced about Debbie Friedman, who died Sunday, Jan. 9, at age 59. Friedman’s music...

‘What is a burned house compared to a burned and gassed family?’

IN early September of 2010, Walter Plywaski lost his home and virtually all his possessions in the Fourmile Canyon fire that devoured the Boulder foothills. But what...

Despite brief Denver stay, rabbi touched many lives

URIEL Malka, who survived the fury of Hezbollah rockets in the Second Lebanon War, died Thursday, Dec. 2, in the largest wildfire in Israel’s history. Malka, 32, a...

New December dilemma: early Chanukah

CHRISTMAS comes but once a year, on Dec. 25: not Nov. 29, not Dec. 28, but Dec. 25. Chanukah also comes but once a year, on 25 Kislev: not 10 […]

Readers weigh in on scans, pat downs

ON Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists casually boarded four US planes and transformed a relatively safe, convenient and comfortable way of traveling into a weapon of mass...

Guard hired to protect Sinai after 9/11, discovers sanctuary in the Jewish faith

NOT long after Sept. 11, 2001, an African American security guard packing a barely concealed gun stood in Temple Sinai’s foyer before the Friday night service. A fish...

Is Halloween OK? Three rabbis’ opinions

HALLOWEEN, celebrated on Oct. 31 as cackling leaves swirl and winter’s proximity chills the heart, is one of the oldest holidays on human record. According to...

Children’s Jim Shmerling wanted a career combining law, medicine, business, kids — and he found it

THE upward route to the office of Dr. Jim Shmerling, The Children’s Hospital’s president and CEO, is a labyrinth of bright open spaces, arching ceilings, pastel...

Pastor John Hagee disinvited from AJF men’s event

IN response to a “vocal minority” that opposed the choice of Pastor John Hagee as guest speaker at the Allied Jewish Federation’s Men’s Event Nov. 21, the federation...