Saturday, April 20, 2024 -
Print Edition

Ushpizin: Why these seven?

In our search for an eye-catching holiday-themed cover photo for our Facebook page, we came across one depicting the Ushpizin, the seven Biblical guests we welcome, one per night, during Sukkot. After getting some likes after posting the image, we thought it might be interesting to investigate why these seven figures were chosen to accompany us on this holiday.

According to the Zohar, the foundational book of Jewish kabbalism, these guests actually leave their place of rest in the Garden of Eden, to mingle with us here on earth during Sukkot. (The word ‘ushpizin’ is Aramaic for guest.) And, though we formally welcome one per night, tradition says that all seven guests are present throughout the holiday.

Why these seven? It is not only because they are the founding fathers of Judaism; according to spiritual thought, each of the guests has a certain quality that helps us connect to our spiritual selves by accessing Divine energies. Being out of doors, in the sukkah, away from our day-to-day trappings, makes it easier for us to access those energies, and the Ushpizin are there to facilitate the process. Here are the unique qualities they bring:

  • Abraham, first night: Chesed, or lovingkindness
  • Isaac, second night: Discipline and personal strength
  • Jacob, third night: Harmony and truth
  • Moses, fourth night: Endurance, represented through the continuity of Torah
  • Aaron, fifth night: Splendor, but combined with empathy and humility, thereby avoiding ego
  • Joseph, sixth night: Yesod, or spiritual foundation
  • David, seventh and final night: Sovereignty and leadership, and building G-d’s kingdom on earth

Did you connect with these traits this Sukkot?

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