Thursday, April 18, 2024 -
Print Edition


A scientific profession bumps up against the inexplicable

ROSH HASHANAH EDITION 5777 SECTION D After intense medical intervention, a doctor watches a dying man’s damaged heart deteriorate. Suddenly the heart restores itself...

Denver’s not-so-illustrious history

ROSH HASHANAH EDITION 5777 SECTION D This book is a collection of stories about train wrecks that have already happened, conferring upon them a darkly fascinating...

The world’s Jewish narrative

ROSH HASHANAH EDITION 5777 SECTION D Many Jewish travelers like to veer away from the typical tourist itineraries in their destinations to check out a local synagogue or...

‘Betrayers’ explores Soviet Jewry past and present

This week’s IJN has a large dose of the literary, staff summertime reading choices to Andrea Jacobs’ feature in Education & Culture on post-Soviet American...