Tuesday, April 16, 2024 -
Print Edition

Special Sections

Lighthouse — believers in the written word

After more than a quarter century of restless but patient roaming through several Denver locations, the Lighthouse Writers Workshop finally moved into a permanent home,...

Free pre-K — not so simple

In the wake of President Biden’s push for a free universal pre-kindergarten program, some states have been scrambling to implement systems that allow three and...

Much ADU about nothing

might be familiar with granny pods, in-law flats, carriage houses or casitas, all falling under the category of the colorless term, “Accessory Dwelling Units” or...

Shinshinim — teens on loan from Israel

Four young adults — Shinshinim — have been making the rounds in Denver since last August. They are relatively in concert on a number of topics; they like...

Jco & Israel — the people factor

JEWISHcolorado’s Israel and Overseas Center is directed by Edina Segal, whose personal journey and connection to Israel makes her perfect for such a position.

Rabbi Eddie Shapiro is a kashrus jack of all trades

Rabbi Eddie Shapiro is a man of many skills and much experience; of many varied clients, both Jewish and non-Jewish, both living and dead; and of many titles.

Flipping Houses & Pancakes

A new cookbook, Flipping Houses & Pancakes: Kosher Recipes & Kitchen Design Tips from an Amateur Professional, is written by former Denverite Dora (Krausz)...

Montana’s Bruks are Jewish entrepreneurs

The words entrepreneur and CEO describe Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk of Bozeman, Montana.

Out of Africa — making a new life in Denver

Walk around the room at any medium-to-large event in Denver’s Jewish community and you are likely to hear someone speaking English in that unmistakable melodic South...

Fielder captures world’s most beautiful place

Few would dispute that John Fielder is Colorado’s best-known photographer today, quite possibly ever.