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Rigged elections? An anti-case study in Colorado

It would have taken very little to rig the Boebert-Frisch race

As we write, the race between Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch for the Colorado District 3 seat in Congress seems settled in favor of Boebert. Frisch has conceded, though the legally required recount has not been done. But one thing is perfectly clear: If elections in America were rigged, don’t look to the Boebert-Frisch race for evidence. If ever there were an anti-case study in election fraud in America, this is it.

Here is a race in which 366,965 votes were cast, yet the gap between the winner and the loser was 551 votes. If anyone, backing either Boebert or Frisch, wanted to rig this election, he or she would have had very little work to do.

No purloined, huge piles of mail in votes would have been necessary.

No massive intimidation at the pools necessary.

No furtive gathering of the best tech geeks from Silicon Valley necessary.

Not to mention, if the gap between Boebert and Frisch was 551 votes, only 276 would need to be fraudently flipped. On a scale of 276 out of 366,965 votes, roughly 0.00075% of the vote total would be the measure of the fraud. Surely not a big job for someone intent on overturning the will of the voters.

Not that there is any credible evidence of massive voter fraud in the US. But the ridiculously small margin of any potential fraud made manifest in Colorado’s District 3 race lends a poignancy to the speciousness of the voter-fraud claim.

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