Tuesday, April 23, 2024 -
Print Edition


Links to the world

It’s been a week where news stories surrounding the Jewish community have been permeated by violence – with Jews acting as both perpetrators and victims. In...

Terse and timely

When dollars are tight, an economy of words is in order. Terse tips for reducing credit card debt: • If you can’t pay for something with funds in your checking...

Something to watch . . . closely

In the news business, editors wade daily through a steady stream of information, trying to determine what has relevance, importance or interest to the reader. There are...

One small step, four long decades

When President John Kennedy commanded the scientific troops to put a man on the moon “by the end of this decade,” he fired up a search so intense that dangerous...

Sen. Jim Demint offers blunt words on Iran

I HAVE yet to hear an American lawmaker who “gets it” on Iran more than Sen. Jim Demint of South Carolina. He was in Colorado for 28 hours earlier in […]

Part of the fabric

IT seems that adherents of every religion in Israel are respected, given the opportunity to pray at their respective holy sites. Except the Jews in Israel. I know the...

No amnesty for this crime

Amnesty International has deteriorated into an apologist for terrorists. The organization attacked Israel for her response to nine years of rocket attacks from Hamas....

Palestinian progress

Thirteen decades to achieve a basic ethic. Since the beginning of the Zionist settlement in the Land of Israel in 1881, a simple welcome mat never surfaced — until now....

Taken too far, privacy rights endanger lives

In the very complicated, recent story line at Rose Medical Center (Denver) and Audubon Ambulatory Surgery Center (Colorado Springs), at which a surgical technician...

Why I don’t need to go to Rome

I CAN dream. In theory, someday I’ll visit the Arch of Titus in Rome to see a depiction of Roman soldiers carrying looted artifacts from the Jerusalem Temple; I’ll...