Friday, April 19, 2024 -
Print Edition


The Green business of Chanukah

YOU’VE torn open eight days’ worth of presents and you’re still disposing of holiday wrappings and packaging. Before Chanukah, you’d have expected me to remind you...

Links to…Chanukah

“…It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” so sang Andy Williams. Okay, so he was caroling about Christmas, but there is something...

Today, a minaret

Switzerland voted to ban the construction of minarets on mosques. Switzerland does not want to make itself comfortable for Muslim jihadists, Muslim suicide bombers,...

The world’s worst human rights violation

There is no more rigid, intrusive or tyrannical example of George Orwell’s portrait of dehumanizing totalitarianism — 1984 — than China’s one-child policy. It has...

Chanukah recipes, revisited

Latkes: Wonderful, classic recipe. The russets worked great. Having no cheesecloth handy, we squeezed out the liquid using a thin cloth napkin. We did, however,...

The judge turned down the kiss

Isn’t is nice when you figure out the meaning behind an annoyance? Often, you never do, but in Sam Fisherowitz’ case, the purpose behind his, yes, very annoying...

A divided Berlin didn’t work; why redivide Jerusalem?

Would a doctor prescribe Prozac without ever having seen the patient? Would George Steinbrenner trade Derek Jeter for a player about whom he had no scouting report?...

‘Wonder of wonders, miracles of miracles’

Dear Tzviling, Thank you for your upbeat column. I am writing on behalf of a friend who could use some uplifting advice. Her aunt just passed away at the young

The oilier the merrier

Here we are in today’s culinary and weight conscious, low fat, obsessively oil free life . . . and what comes along and bursts our lifestyle? Olive oil. No, I

Celebrating the rebirth of might and spirit

WE could have been in Poland or Russia more than 100 years ago, such were the images and sounds surrounding us. But it was only a few years ago and […]