Tuesday, April 16, 2024 -
Print Edition


Are the Palestinians an invented people? Yes and no

Congratulations to Republican presidential candidate Newt Gilngrich for raising the question: Are the Palestinians an invented people? If the term “Palestinian” is...

Chanukah and the Joseph stories

THIS week in the Torah we begin reading about the sale of Joseph. For the next three Shabbos readings, we will be immersed in this story of the conflict between...

US ambassador to Belgium blames Jews for anti-Semitism

The routine is only too familiar. Say what you said. Then deny it. Or say your were misquoted. Or say you were “misinterpreted.” The American ambassador to Belgium,...

1941: asleep over Japan; 2011: deluded over Iran

The most wicked surprise in American history came Dec. 7, 1941, when Japan launched its attack on Pearl Harbor. Before the day that “will live in infamy,”...

Pearl Harbor Day, 10 years later

I WAS not alive when America was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941, nor did my father serve in the armed forces during WW II. While I have no direct memory […]

Eternal light

He, of blessed memory, was the tall and proper European gentleman. She, may she live to be 120, is diminutive, with perfect doll quality beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Weissbrot,...

Latkes with a kick

We’ve been busy in our test kitchen this week, trying out recipes from the Chanukah Foods section coming out tomorrow. This year the IJN was inspired by the...

Abraham must be rolling in his grave (literally!)

Sixty-four years ago, on November 29, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181, more commonly referred to as the Partition Plan. Under the plan, the new states [of...

Minding your own business

Not so long ago, the way to protect one’s privacy was to lock the front door and draw the shades. That’s all there was to it. All that has changed, […]

Two-state solution? It’s been offered on a silver platter for 64 years

Last Tuesday was November 29, 2011. Sixty-four years earlier, the UN voted to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. The Jews said yes. The...