Thursday, April 18, 2024 -
Print Edition

View from Denver

Flight of the alone to the Alone

WHAT is prayer? It is the defeat of the illusion of human community. For the human condition, as the Greek philosopher Plotinus said, is the flight of the alone to...

Where is G-d?

WHERE is G-d? The Kotzker Rebbe answered, “wherever you let Him in.” It’s a poignant response, but it really answers a different question, “where is G-dliness?”...

The timely absence of Moses

FROM the time of his birth until the end of the Torah, Moses is mentioned in every Torah portion except one: this one. The question is twofold: Why should Moses...

The first Michaelangelo — 3,000 years ago

MICHELANGELO once observed that painting is the art of putting on, while sculpture is the art of taking away. The sculpted image is right there in the block of marble...

Does the Bible believe in slavery?

DOES the Hebrew Bible — the Torah — believe in slavery? The answer seems straightforward. This week’s Torah portion opens (Exodus 21:2-6): “If you buy a Jewish eved...

Crossing the Red Sea

APPROXIMATELY 46 years ago, when I was a student at Yeshiva University, I sat for an exam with Rabbi Mendel Zaks. On one level, the scene was surrealistic, perhaps even...

Why is rosh chodesh the first mitzvah?

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg’s Torah column is this week written by guest columnist Chaim M. Goldberg, a sophomore at Yeshiva University. IN this week’s Torah portion,...

Territorial Imperative: forward to the past

In The Territorial Impe In The Territorial Imperative, Robert Ardrey argues that a universal, primal instinct encompasses both the animal kingdom and humankind: the...

Denverite: ‘I survived Mengele six or seven times’

I COULDN’T believe my ears. If I read the body language correctly, my interlocutor’s level of belief wasn’t much greater. After all, it is now 68 years since the end...

Is there one G-d or three?

BASED on the headline of this column, the reader might think it is about Christianity. It is not. Rather, in many contexts, Judaism speaks of “the G-d of Abraham, the...