Tuesday, April 16, 2024 -
Print Edition

View from Central Park

One day at a time

I RECEIVED a very touching, very moving children’s book in the mail last week. Painfully, it is a book I wish the need for did not exist. It is called, […]

Each generation has its story

What constitutes a generation? Robert Wohl probes this question in his book, The Generation of 1914. Through observing the mostly middle class of five European nations,...

A ‘potluck’ Purim

I have never smoked pot nor experimented with any other drug and am certainly against promoting recreational drugs of all kinds. And I confess this is not your average...

It was the music

In today’s day and age when the latest article about a new food, exercise or other gimmick supposedly holds the secret to long life, a remarkable lady, Alice Herz...

Love Your Brain

Going in to watch “Crash Reel,” I hadn’t known a thing about it. As the documentary by Lucy Walker, starring Kevin Pearce, a one time Olympian hopeful raised on...

Smitten by winter’s charm

I can’t imagine anything coming closer to Disneyland for snow sports enthusiasts than the SnowSports Industry of America (SIA), this year celebrating it’s 60th...

SodaStream? Make it mainstream!

My worlds were colliding. Because of SodaStream, suddenly my Israel life was being linked and discussed in the context s of the Super Bowl, at which my team happened to...


Broncomania is nothing new to me. I am a Denver teen of the ‘80s. Although I only learned of Floyd Little later on, I grew up in the throes of […]

Women and tefilin

“Said Rabbi Chananel in the name of Rav, ‘the titura (bridge) of the tefilin (phylacteries) is halachah le-Moshe mi-Sinai’ [oral tradition going back to divine...

Because who is perfect?

A stumped arm. And leg.Three toes. A malformed spine. These are  some of the visuals in a profoundly moving video that came across my desk. “Because Who is Perfect?...