Wednesday, April 24, 2024 -
Print Edition


Championship whirlwind

Over the course of the last two months, two of the sports teams I follow have been in parallel, advancing through playoffs rounds, until last week, in two nights back to...

Romeo, Juliet, Mount Evans

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” How much our society, with its impulse for renaming things, can learn from...

Furry friends

What does it say about someone if his passing moves one to tears without ever having met him? When I read last Friday that Bark-André had passed, I was gutted.

Is no one ill? Or everyone?

In response to a recent study which showed that more than a quarter of adult Americans are depressed, the much-awarded author Joyce Carol Oates sent an ignorant tweet,...

Confluence of memory

Maybe it was being a young child in Jerusalem, or maybe it’s simply part of Jewish DNA, but I’ve always been fascinated by history.

The hypocrisy is worth it

It's official: My NBA boycott is over. If I’m honest, it’s been over for well over a year now, but it’s time to make it public.

Waning days, rising taxes

The waning days of 2023’s first Colorado Legislative Session were utterly chaotic. There was a confused, panicky air, with new bills being introduced at the last...


One of the greatest gifts in life is friendship, and a priceless gift is that of an old friend.

Seconds chances — for good and bad

It is heartening to see a person like Jim Montgomery rewarded for acknowledging his errors and doing the work to mend himself.

A mystery on my bookshelf

In a mystery, the 1914 Haggadah that belonged to General Maurice Rose's father, Samuel Rose, has come into my possession.