Thursday, April 25, 2024 -
Print Edition


Ilhan Omar shows her hand

Confession: I was excited when Ilhan Omar was elected to Congress. I knew I wasn’t necessarily aligned with her politically, but seeing a religious Muslim woman in...

My generation

Having celebrated my birthday last week (along with my cosmic twin Volodymyr Zelensky and my ancestral twin Robert Burns), I am firmly in middle age. No sugarcoating it.

Minor (lethal) Offenses

“The teenagers had been jailed for minor offenses like throwing stones.” This sentence, penned by the AP when a hostage-prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel...

Fight or flight

In these past 100-plus days, I keep thinking about fight-or-flight, the body’s stress response to threats. Which, fleeing or fighting, carries the highest possibility...

Livnot b’Yachad

As I sat in the closing plenary of the JNF-USA Global Conference late last year, I knew that the vision Russell Robinson was outlining about rebuilding Israel’s south...

Letter from Switzerland

There are things in Switzerland one will rarely, if ever, see in the US, or Denver specifically.

My best books of 2023

Books, along with watching old episodes of “MasterChef Australia,” have become my lifeline. This wasn’t altogether surprising since I’m proud of my membership in...

Stalinism returns

When I cracked open Beyond the Wall, a new book about East Germany, I didn’t expect it to resonate so srongly with current events.

Theatre of the absurd

The more information we have, the stupider we get, it seems. Back when I worked in academia, specifically on international relations websites, this was a hot topic. The...

A few dollars to spare

When Black Lives Matters protests took place across the country, including here in Denver, causing, incidentally, the same kind of barricading of civil spaces that the...