Wednesday, April 24, 2024 -
Print Edition


What it means to be One

The excitement and majesty of the inauguration of our 44th president are now behind us but the inspiring image of the beaming “First Couple” as they waved to the crowd...

Stereotyping: Wounding with words

My friend Karen told me about an incident that happened to her recently which really hurt and angered her. It started out as a harmless Sunday morning junket to some...

Chanukah: A time to bring light into the world

Chanukah is a holiday with many names. Some call it the Festival of Lights, while others refer to it as the Feast of Rededication or the Holiday of Miracles. To...

My life at 40 — the life changing experience

The number 40 in the Jewish tradition holds a unique spot in our history and our psyche. The flood during Noah’s time lasted for 40 days. Moses went up to […]

Obama and Abraham

I was in fourth grade, hiding in the girl’s bathroom with Fran Schneider, when the loudspeaker rang out: “All students are to return to their classrooms immediately.”...

Jewish geography: more than a game

We all know how to play the game. You go to a party and the woman next to you mentions that she just moved from Detroit and for the next […]

Got guilt?

The week before Passover I gave a talk in Florida called “Got Guilt?” to a large group of Jewish women. I called my mother before I got on the plane […]

Asking for forgiveness: courage, redemption

From the time Max was a young boy, he knew his Uncle Marshall was very sick. At seven, he understood complex words like hemophilia and blood coagulation, and knew from...

Tisha b’Av

I never really heard of Tisha b’Av when I was growing up. Although my family celebrated major Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Passover, I was totally unfamiliar...

Everyone has a story to tell

Last year my mother turned 80, and we celebrated with a family trip to Montana. The gift she cherished most was not the picture frame we had engraved or even […]