Wednesday, April 24, 2024 -
Print Edition


Is the exile coming home to roost?

NB: This column was written prior to the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the hostage-taking at a kosher supermarket in Paris on January 9. ONLY A two-year hiatus from...

The pen is mightier than the sword

As a human being, as a Jew, and as a writer, I stand in solidarity with the heartbreaking tragedy at Charlie Hebdo. Adding to that, like my fellow writers, I […]

Greatest day of your life

In my final column on the greatest guide ever devised for a good world — the Ten Commandments — I offer my readers what may well be the single best […]

Funny {VIDEO}

WELL, IF politics doesn’t work out for MK Naftali Bennett, Israel’s Minister of Communications, he can always pursue comedy instead. By now most of you have probably...

The worst sin

The Ten Commandments is the most morally influential piece of legislation ever written. To give a good idea of how relevant each of the 10 is, take the third...

Cong. Mike Coffman’s Jewish forbears

came to Cong. Mike Coffman intending to get the story of his Jewish forbears. He gave me that, and much more, too. Highlights from our 90-minute conversation:...

States redistribute the wealth

IN 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama was lambasted for supposedly endorsing policies of wealth redistribution. The right feared that under an Obama presidency,...


“PEOPLE ONLY care about us after we are dead,” were the words a NY cop said to me over 20 years ago after helping me out in a difficult situation. […]

PhDs and other false gods

I have been devoting my recent columns to the Ten Commandments because we need a fixed moral anchor to solve the problem of evil. Nothing is as effective as the Ten...

CU vs. aches and pains

Like many people, I have benefitted from physical therapists. They make the aches and pains go away. That’s why I was receptive when Pat Grant, a former Colorado state...