Thursday, April 25, 2024 -
Print Edition


The stamp depicting Dainty Miss Leitzel

Ringling Bros.

When I saw the postage stamp on a card I just received depicting Dainty Miss Leitzel, the World’s Most Marvelous Lady Gymnast — a past act at the Ringling Bros....

Memphis’ illustrious Jews

, the first page I turned to in my Memphis travel guide mentioned the Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art. Belz is a name that I had associated exclusively with the...

When life ended early

-Penicillin. Post-Penicillin. This might be a major periodization in history. Of course, it’s more than penicillin — it’s also modern treatments for scarlet fever,...

Why my stepsons’ father killed himself

Last week, my two stepsons’ father, a man who loved life, killed himself. I would like to tell you why. Two years ago, a 62-year-old father of three named Bruce...

Am I my brother’s keeper?

have always loved books. As a child, I treasured my hard-cover editions of Heidi, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and Black Beauty and loved the nights when my mom and I...

The Patriots

The Patriots — the team everyone loves to hate. Probably due to envy. There’s a reason they call jealousy the “ugly green-eyed monster.” The Patriots have now...

Sanitizing Martin Luther

Is it possible to speak about Hitler without mentioning the Jews? Is it possible to speak about Jefferson Davis without mentioning slavery? Is it possible to speak about...


the recent rekindling of the abortion discussion, I have surprised myself on the topic. Legally speaking, the pro-choice position is compatible with Jewish law, or...

Inauguration Day

I was in high school, I had the great fortune of living just outside our nation’s capital. For all its ills, Washington DC is a fabulous tourist destination. The...

What’s love got to do with it?

1984, after a stalled career and an abusive marriage, Tina Turner wrote her comeback smash hit “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” The song is actually an anti-love...