Friday, April 19, 2024 -
Print Edition


Final days

Can you believe it? After all these months – or has it been years? – the campaign “season” is finally winding down. And even though only a...

Lessons from surprising places

Not only is death itself inevitable, another truism is that one has no control over what happens after one passes away. Yes, wills and testaments exist to try and...

Mid-holiday ruminations

Though in theory holidays are a time of celebration, it’s a universally accepted fact that in reality they can also be quite stressful. The most common and...

The end is near…or is it already here?

Our most recent posting asked readers to contribute humorous links they’d come across regarding the upcoming election. Perhaps not surprisingly we didn’t...

Amidst the drama…humor!

As a member of the media we receive myriad info packets and promotional materials. These can come from bona fide organizations or individuals hoping for a voice. The...

Open Call: revisited

Several weeks ago Rocky Mountain Jew asked readers for their opinions on the Middle East, well, peace process or conflict, depending on one’s point of view. The...

This bird is a hawk

**Update** We now have the full text of Sarah Palin’s speech on the IJN site, along with news stories about the rally (9/25). Whether good or bad, hateful or...

What is anti-Semitism?

The results of a recent investigation into an attack on Jewish teens in Paris once again raises a question that’s been asked time and time again since 2001’s...

The other side comes to town

Slowly, slowly, we’re getting back to regular life. The excitement has dissipated, we’re no longer the talk of the nation, famous faces are once again few...

Who will you vote for in November?

According to Labor Day’s Gallup poll, Obama is leading McCain by 6 points, nearly the opposite of our informal assessment among users. For the past month...