Thursday, April 25, 2024 -
Print Edition


The passing of Miep Gies

The world suffered a huge loss this week. Miep Gies, the righteous gentile who was pivotal in both hiding the Frank family and the safeguarding and subsequent publishing...

The question of airport security

There’s a theme running across the stories we’ve uploaded this week to the website: security, specifically airport security. After the Christmas Day attack,...

Einen guten Rutsch

Here in Switzerland, on Silvester, what the Swiss call New Year’s Eve, the phrase “einen guten Rutsch” is heard frequently. The commonly held...

Fin de d

An expression used in arts and literature, the French fin de siècle translates to “end of the century”; it connotes the waning years of an era, while also...

Top ten stories of 2009

It’s always natural at the end of the year to reflect on the previous 12 months. This year’s “a look back” is more pronounced than most...

Links to…Chanukah

“…It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” so sang Andy Williams. Okay, so he was caroling about Christmas, but there is something...

Chanukah recipes, revisited

Latkes: Wonderful, classic recipe. The russets worked great. Having no cheesecloth handy, we squeezed out the liquid using a thin cloth napkin. We did, however,...

Oy Chanukah, oy Chanukah

With Chanukah just around the corner, it’s to stock up on oil, potatoes, flour, yeast, raspberry preserves, apples — all the ingredients you need for latkes and...


The news story is by now well known. This past Sunday, the Swiss voted to ban the construction of minarets throughout the country. The vote, which was preceded by a...

Turkey day!

One of our favorite days of the year is coming tomorrow. Thanksgiving is just a wonderful holiday. Cold weather, good food, family, gratitude, what more can you ask for?...