Saturday, April 20, 2024 -
Print Edition

Musical chairs

It was deja vu all over again this week, wasn’t it? By now, we all can pretty much predict how these insane outbursts of Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza, which hold a million innocent Israeli civilians hostage in bomb shelters, play out vis-à-vis Israel, the Palestinians and the international media.

It started with the media. Shame on them, really. Of course, all that was being reported was a sensational news story about repeated Israeli air strikes into Gaza killing “militants,” otherwise known as terrorists. Even the one photograph. The New York Times chose to run was a heartwrenching one of Palestinian women crying and mourning over their dead. Again, their dead “militants.” Context was nowhere to be found.

If I would not personally have friends living in the urban town of Beersheba in southern Israel (which, for those claiming that settlements are the obstacles, is not a settlement) and found out the moment Shabbat was over how they were living in a bomb shelter, with their young kids under the threat of Gaza rocket fire, or if I would not be a Jew attuned to Israeli news and therefore read and know what is transpiring in their Israeli reality, I would have no clue from the American media that Israel was, as usual, the retaliator, and did not randomly fly into Gaza and begin the air strikes that brought these Palestinian women to be “innocently” crying over their dead “militants.”

Shame on the media for only reporting the Israeli response. Hundreds of rockets are fired into Israel, on average three rockets per hour, temporarily paralyzing and traumatizing the lives of half a million to one million Israeli civilians, and they report the response.

The rest of this article is available in the IJN’s print edition only. Contact Carol to order your copy at (303) 861-2234 or email [email protected].

Tehilla Goldberg

IJN columnist | View from Central Park

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