Wednesday, April 24, 2024 -
Print Edition

HEA Cantor Arielle Green sings behind the mask

CHANUKAH 5781 SECTION E, PAGE 7 Arielle Green, praised since her first appearance on HEA’s bimah in July, projects such animation and authenticity that she breaks the fatigued Zoom barrier. No topic knocks her off balance. She elaborates upon questions instead of retreating cautiously. For instance, Green freely tackles the curious core on everyone’s mind — how does a cantor vocalize behind a COVID-19 mask?  “That is the worst part of what’s happening now,” she says. “It does change the way I sing. A lot of masks are tight, which is great for COVID, but I couldn’t move my jaw. This affects the sound. “All my singer friends hate” the protective encumbrance. “We’re really unhappy with this. But we’ve learned how to do it.” Green […]
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