Wednesday, April 17, 2024 -
Print Edition

A green holiday

We love Judaism’s “quirky” holidays, such as a new year celebration for trees – or Tu b’Shevat – which begins this Friday evening and continuing into Shabbat. The holiday, which has its roots in the Jewish laws of tithing, has evolved into an ecological awareness day, with children in Israel traditionally planting trees on the day, and here in the US, similar environment-oriented programs. In fact Tu b’Shevat seems to fit perfectly with the growing trend for all things “green” and our desire for more knowledge about our food’s provenance.

Another tradition that has become increasingly popular in recent years is that of the Tu b’Shevat seder, a ritual dating from the Middle Ages, with strong kabbalistic influences. If concern began setting in at the mention of the word “seder” about the amount of work involved, breath a sigh of relief. This seder is really more of a dessert reception, highlighting the fruits of Israel, such as dates, figs, pomegranate and carob – either dried or fresh, depending on availability and what’s in season. So other fruits you may think about serving could be persimmons, kiwis, blood oranges, or any other citrus fruit.

Sticking with seasonal fruit ties in the agricultural and ecological aspects of the holiday, both which values have become increasingly important in our increasingly technology-oriented society. So take the time this year to organize a Tu b’Shevat seder, or join one of the many taking place across the Metro area – at synagogues and community centers. You’ll find all the details you need on our Community Calendar!

Happy Tu b’Shevat!

One thought on “A green holiday

  1. Jeff Rivera

    Holidays are great! They are a remarkable way to stay in touch and interact with everyone. Getting together to do things and celebrate is really empowering and gives you a sense of belonging. And if we celebrate Jewish holidays with a green tag then we will be doing the environment also a good turn. Spreading a word about this and making people aware of green ways to spend their Jewish holidays is an excellent idea.


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