Thursday, April 25, 2024 -
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Bono leaves Hope-ful note

Bono's note left at the Kind David Hotel.JERUSALEM — U2 lead singer Bono left a Hope-full note at Jerusalem’s King David hotel following a surprise visit to Israel. The note, which offered the hotel “great thanks for great room in great hotel in great city,” centered on a poem which said that “Hope is like a faithful dog.”

“In Jerusalem, Hope springs eternal,” the poem read.

“Hope is like a faithful dog, sometimes she runs ahead of me to check the future, to sniff it out and then I call to her: Hope, Hope, come here, and she comes to me. I pet her, she eats out of my hand and sometimes she stays behind, near some other hope maybe to sniff out whatever was. Then I call her my Despair. I call out to her. Here, my little Despair, come here and she comes and snuggles up, and again I call her Hope.”

The note also included Bono’s sketch of A Dog called Hope.

Bono was on a personal visit to Israel.

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