Wednesday, April 24, 2024 -
Print Edition
Tehilla Goldberg
Tehilla R. Goldberg

IJN columnist | View from Central Park

Stars in the sky

As the lush spring color is pushing through the ground, bursting all around us, seemingly meeting endless horizons of azure skies, these moments poised for renewal feel...

J Street: ‘pro-Israel,’ or pro-‘death of Israel’?

IT’S HARD to see fellow Jews advocate for the end of Israel. Harder yet to see such claims dishonestly veiled as Zionism and being “pro-Israel.” Yet, J Street...

Pesto, pecans…

We all have our Passover culinary traditions. Subconsciously, I think one was created here in this column when it seems, as Passover rolls around (ooh, pardon that...


I, ALONG with all of you, was following the Israeli elections with bated breath. And based on the media, polls and general social media, was mentally preparing for the...

Aspen: Ski to Live

2014 we all prayed for them. They were the ones we woke up to in the morning and fell asleep to at night. We were obsessively attached to news sites for their...

Who was Esther?

THE SCROLL OF ESTHER opens with the strangest of scenes. Reading chapter one alone, you would never know this is a Jewish book or that it has anything to do […]

Yes, a refuge

Netanyahu is sending a message to world Jewry, specifically European Jewry, that Israel is ITS home. And he is being criticized for it with anger, as if saying Israel is...

They weren’t ‘random’ attacks

On a day when many of us were perplexed and appalled by the White House’s strange referral to the attack on the kosher deli in Paris last month as “random” […]

Powderhounds . . . Skibrews

WE COLORADANS are blessed to live here. Winter is a season we love and look forward to. Unlike so many other places in the country and even the world, where […]

Rabbi Rosenfeld

Ezekiel the prophet links Noah, Daniel and Job together (14:14) as righteous men. What was the connection? Rashi and the rabbis explain that these three men saw their...