Thursday, April 25, 2024 -
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Rocky Mountain Jew

This year, try ‘pizza-taschen’

Barring one or two rare exceptions, the kosher frozen section in most Denver grocery stories have, for decades, consisted of the same products

The Jewish man who defended the Scottsboro Boys

During Black History Month, which came to a close on Feb. 28, stories and experiences of black Americans are remembered and highlighted. For the National Library of...

Even before liberation, global Jewry was mourning the Holocaust

Even before the Holocaust ended, Jewish leadership was considering how to commemorate those who had been brutally murdered by the Nazi regime.

Top Ten worst UN actions of 2021

Every year, UN Watch, an NGO that monitors the UN Human Rights Council, publishes its Top Ten list of the UN’s most egregious actions in the calendar year.

On cultural missteps, are we too harsh to judgement?

In Medford, Mass., a government’s holiday photo display went a bit pear-shaped when the menorah included turned out not to be one used on Chanukah, but instead one...

Five Jewish sports miracles

Probably the most famous line in all of sports history, even if one doesn’t know its origin, is Al Michaels’ “Do you believe in miracles?” For all the hard work...

Crossover flavors: Cranberry Challah Doughnuts

It’s not quite Thanksgivukkah — that won’t happen again for over 77,000 years — but we’re close this year, with Chanukah beginning just as Thanksgiving weekend...

Marcus Lecture speaker Judy Batalion uncovers new stories about the Holocaust

It’s remarkable, decades on, how many stories there are still left to discover about the Holocaust. Recently we commented on all of the stories emerging about the...

Honoring Righteous Gentiles

As we noted in our editorial this week, more and more we are hearing stories of amazing human beings who saved Jews during WW II. It makes us wonder how […]

Tested: Nanny’s Apple Cake

Back at the end of June, “Short Takes” featured seven Jewish foodie TikTokers to follow. One of them was Jake Cohen, a former food journalist turned social media...