Thursday, April 18, 2024 -
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IJN Editorial Staff

Nuclear sense of humor

Maybe we are insufficiently embedded in the cyber world. Certainly we have no competence in nuclear weaponry. But in the of-course-denied, computer-virus Israeli and...

JFK’s inauguration

Fifty years ago, in what would be John F. Kennedy’s only inaugural address, the vigorous new president defined sacrifice in terms that appealed to young and old alike....

Honorary landsman John Hickenlooper

Gov. John Hickenlooper is, to the best of our knowledge, not from Ratno, Poland, Brest Litovsk, Lithuania, or Furth, Germany. Still, he sees himself as a landsman. Or,...

Debbie Friedman, 1951-2011

Mi shebeirach avoteinu Avraham, Yitzhak, ve-Yaakov . . . He Who blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . may He bless and heal the sick person (name),...

Discrimination goes two ways

Alarmed at the recent massive influx of non-Arab minorities into Israel, rabbis in Israel recently banned Jews from renting to non-Jews. The ban is a terrible idea that...

‘Talkin’ ’bout my generation…’

This week’s Intermountain Jewish News provides readers with an unplanned yet poignant contrast in the presentation of three generations in our country. On the front...

Ex-President of Israel disgraces himself, his family, his country, his people

Frankly, we found the take on the JTA reportage on the conviction of a former president of Israel on charges of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment a bit too...

Is the world coming to an end?

On. Dec. 31, 2010, around 5,000 birds dove to their deaths in Beebe, Arkansas. On Jan. 2, 2011, 500 feathery relations littered the  roads outside Baton Rouge,...

Obtuseness incarnate: Henry Kissinger

Someone who tries to explain his reference to gas chambers is either a downright bigot, or downright dishonest. We choose “dishonest” when it comes to Henry Kissinger....

Backlash against illegal Africans in Israel

Here are two extremes, neither of which is valid, and neither of which will extricate Israel from her current, unexpected and growing problem with illegal immigrants....